智能手机制造商发布新固件的频率比发布新智能手机的频率更高。 Sont 作为一家知名的智能手机制造商,这样做是为了阻止用户每次都能体验到更好的东西。但作为用户,找到每个新固件并安装它们是一项艰巨的任务。许多用户甚至可能不知道新版本,并且最终无法将新体验添加到他们的设备中。许多假冒网站还提供假冒固件,这可能会增加您的设备出现安全漏洞的可能性。 XperiFirm 工具为所有这些问题提供了完美的解决方案。
XperiFirm Tool 可以帮助您下载索尼官方发布的所有新固件。这是通过连接到官方索尼服务器来实现的。这个神奇的工具是由 XDA 的高级成员开发的,伊戈尔·艾斯伯格。通读以了解有关 XperiFirm 工具的更多详细信息以及下载该工具最新版本的链接。
什么是 XperiFirm 工具?
嗯,有几个品牌正在全球范围内销售智能手机。所有品牌都有自己的特色,并且总是在竞争中超越其他品牌。 Android OEM 可以向用户提供的最重要的售后服务之一就是定期、及时地推出更新。我们总是会看到智能手机进行新更新的消息。这些更新对于让设备保持最新趋势和安全措施的正常运行非常重要,从而保证用户数据的安全,并为他们提供最新的 Android 体验。但是,在某些情况下,当某个地区推出更新时,它会覆盖特定人群,但其他人群则没有。事实上,原始设备制造商以交错的方式推出官方更新,这意味着并非所有设备都会同时获得更新。
但是,每个 OEM 都有许多可用的工具,可以帮助您获取更新包文件进行手动降级,这意味着您不必等待官方 OTA 到达。索尼 Xperia 智能手机的此类工具是 XperiFirm 工具。您可以使用 XperiFirm Tool 下载任何索尼 Xperia 手机的最新库存固件,并立即升级您的设备,即使您所在地区尚未提供 OTA。该工具的布局中有两个面板,一个显示智能手机名称,另一个显示更新。您可以检查您所在地区是否有新的更新,然后单击它即可轻松安全地下载适用于您的 Xperia 手机的最新固件。
XperiFirm 工具的特点
XperiFirm Tool 包含多种功能,可帮助索尼用户无缝访问索尼官方发布的所有新库存固件。该工具的主要特点包括:
- 跨设备支持:XperiFirm Tool 支持 Sony Xperia 系列中的大多数设备。只有少数非常旧的设备没有添加到支持的设备列表中。
- 自动检查更新:该工具旨在避免每次手动检查更新的麻烦。因此,该工具的设计方式是,每次您将 Xperia 设备连接到 PC 时,它都会自动检查更新。
- 可以暂停下载:该工具非常灵活,允许您随时暂停或恢复下载。
- 添加了对索尼智能配件的支持:该工具不仅支持智能手机,还支持索尼的许多其他智能配件。
下载 XperiFirm 工具 v5.7.0
v5.7.0 [January 25, 2024]: - FIX: Replaced old ZipArchive library to fix unpacking firmware over 4 GiB in size. v5.6.5 [December 21, 2021]: - FIX: Fixed connection error when trying to request a customizations list from Sony's server due to API change. - MINOR: Model tags (like "dual" and "Wi-Fi") will no longer be included in the full device name, as it's no longer used in official device naming. - MINOR: The "Wi-Fi" tag is now colored dark-red ("dual" tag is still colored blue). Implementation has been added for additional tags that may appear in the future, with different colors, without having to update the application. NOTES: * Due to this API change on Sony's side, XperiFirm 5.6.2 is no longer able to fetch firmware from Sony and is not supported. v5.6.2 [September 29, 2021]: - FIX: Fixed inability to download new firmware (i.e. 61.0.A.14.3 for Xperia 1 III) due to missing MD5 checksum information for the firmware files. NOTES: * Since the MD5 checksum is missing for these new firmware, integrity verification for them is impossible. However, if any of the files happens to be corrupted, unpacking will most likely fail. This should not be a problem if you're downloading firmware using XperiFirm directly (not manually). v5.6.1 [April 5, 2021]: - Sony's server has discontinued support for obsolete security protocols (SSL, TLS 1.0/1.1) and requires TLS 1.2+ support. However, .NET Framework 4.0 only supports SSL and TLS 1.0, thus XperiFirm is now targeting .NET Framework 4.6, which means Windows XP and Vista (incl. SP1) can no longer be supported, and a minimum of Windows Vista SP2 is now required, and .NET Framework 4.6 (or newer) must be installed. v5.4.0 [June 25, 2019]: - FIX: Fixed unpacking while using Mono for Linux. v5.3.8 [January 11, 2019]: - FIX: Fixed "firmware is not available" error for certain firmware that are now hosted on a new Sony server. v5.3.7 [July 28, 2018]: - FIX: Workaround for broken version naming for certain Xperia XZ2 firmware. v5.3.6 [March 2, 2018]: - FIX: Fixed a reported cosmetic bug. v5.3.5 [March 1, 2018]: - FIX: Unpacking is matching that of Flashtool: the "partition.zip" is being extracted and a "partition_delivery.xml" is being properly created. v5.3.1-v5.3.3 [March 1, 2018]: - FIX: Bug and regression fixing for 5.3.0. v5.3.0 [March 1, 2018]: - NEW: Supports downloading official OTA packages (*.pkg). This can be enabled/disabled through "Settings". Those are single-file packages, thus Resuming is not supported, but you can still download them manually if you have to. - FIX: A bunch of internal tweaks. - MINOR: Larger device images. - MINOR: Instructions for Manual downloading slightly changed: Folders should be named "FILE_<fileid>" instead of just "<fileid>". v5.2.0 [October 21, 2017]: - NEW: Manual mode is back, completely reworked for Sony's new API. Just click "Manual" and follow the instructions. No file renaming is required. v5.1.0 [October 16, 2017]: - NEW: CDF lists are now loaded directly from Sony servers. Manual updating is no longer needed, except for adding new devices, which is a rare case anyway. - MINOR: Fixed support for Windows XP, but may be unstable as it uses a normal HTTP connection rather than a secure one. - MINOR: Settings: "Unpack firmware automatically" checkbox - due to the demand. v5.0.0 [May 16, 2016]: - NEW: Download management, including a download queue that's saved on your computer and loaded on launch. - NEW: Resuming feature, including checksum verification and automatic re-download of incomplete/corrupted chunks. Just click "Start" and the download will attempt to resume (for large firmware, the resuming might take a while). - MINOR: Better error handling and prevention. - MINOR: Settings: "Play a sound when a download completes" - NOTE: "Manual" button and "Unpack automatically" are both obsolete, thus were removed in this version. Firmware will always be unpacked.
对于 Windows 电脑:
要在Windows PC上安装,.net Framework是必须需要的软件。因此,请下载以下适用于您的 Windows 版本的 .NET Framework。
*Windows Vista SP2:.NET框架4.6
*Windows 8/8.1/10/11:已预安装,但也建议更新到 .NET Framework 4.7。
对于 Linux PC:(官方不支持)
- 为 Mono 安装准备 Linux:
https://www.mono-project.com/docs/get…install/linux/ - 每台计算机输入一次以下行:
$ sudo apt-get install mono-complete
$ sudo cert-sync /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
$ sudo certmgr -ssl -mhttps://software.sonymobile.com
(当询问时输入 Y,您应该被要求这样做两次) - 输入以下行启动 XperiFirm:
$ 单声道 XperiFirm.exe
对于 Mac 操作系统:(官方不支持)
- 为 OS X 安装 Mono:
https://www.mono-project.com/download/ - 在终端中输入以下内容:
$ mono –arch=32 XperiFirm.exe
我希望本指南对从 XperiFirm Tool 下载固件有用。如果您有任何疑问或反馈,请在下面发表评论。