Google Duo 目前正在经历一些认真的开发,从长远来看,这可以很好地定义其未来或缺乏未来。一段时间以来,我们已经知道 Google 正在考虑将屏幕共享引入到该应用程序中,并且我们还在最新的 Google Duo 应用程序版本 30 中看到了更多与该应用程序相关的代码,但还有更多内容:Google Duo Groups 就是其中之一,这似乎是 Google Duo v30 最令人兴奋的揭晓。
APK 拆解
免责声明:在我们深入了解最新的 Google Duo 之前,您应该知道这是基于 APK 中找到的信息或更确切地说是证据。鉴于它不是官方变更日志的一部分,我们无法保证我们发现的所有内容都会在某个时候实现。如果有的话,这纯粹是基于猜测和有根据的猜测。
以下功能可能尚未上线,或者即使上线,也只有数百万 Gmail 用户中的一小部分可以使用。
群组即将加入 Google Duo!
分组二人组看起来很酷,对吧?但现在可能还不是这样。这可能仅限于出于组织目的的组,而不是组呼叫。不过,如果您将 Google 帐户链接到 Duo(更多信息请参见下文),您的 Google 帐户中的群组是否已经可用?那么,这是我们的暗示吗?Google Duo 群组通话?
<string name="contacts_card_create_group">Create group</string> <string name="contacts_card_create_group_content_description">Create new group</string>
设置 Google Duo 时可能无需添加电话号码。您可以使用您的 Google 帐户来实现此目的。
<string name="link_gaia_title">Add your Google Account</string> <string name="link_gaia_dialog_description">You now have the option to add your Google Account to Duo.</string> <string name="link_gaia_remove_account">Remove account</string> <string name="link_gaia_dialog_secondary_description_revokability">You can always change or remove your Google Account in your Duo Settings.</string>
Google 帐户和电话号码将被链接
用户将能够使用您向应用程序提供的 Google 帐户和电话号码来查找您的 Google Duo。
<string name="link_gaia_dialog_secondary_description_reachability">By agreeing to add your Google Account, people who know your Google Account will soon be able to call you on Duo using either your email address or phone number.</string> <string name="link_gaia_intro_agreements">Duo links your Google Account to your phone number. This helps others find you by using either piece of contact information. By continuing, you agree to the %1$s, %2$s, and letting Duo sync your contacts.</string> <string name="link_gaia_registration_disclaimer">We will send you a one-time SMS message to verify your number. Carrier fees may apply.</string> <string name="registration_disclaimer_2">Once you provide your phone number, people who know your number can call you on Duo. Duo will send you a one time SMS message, carrier rates may apply.</string> <string name="welcome_registration_disclaimer">Once you provide your phone number, people who know your number can call you on Duo. Plus, make it easy for you to find your friends by letting Duo sync your contacts. Duo will send you a one time SMS message, carrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="registration_open_phone_number_picker">Choose phone number</string> <string name="registration_phone_title">Your phone number</string> <string name="remove_account_description">Removing your Google Account will sign you out of Duo on all of your other devices. You will also need to re-verify your phone number.</string> <string name="remove_account_no_button">NEVER MIND</string> <string name="remove_account_title">Remove Google Account</string> <string name="remove_account_yes_button">REMOVE</string>
显然,这将是“在其他应用程序之上显示”权限的最佳使用方式之一,因为只有使用此权限的 Google Duo 才能共享屏幕。
<string name="screen_sharing_overlay_permission_dialog_message">To screenshare, allow Duo to display on top of other apps.</string> <string name="screen_sharing_overlay_permission_missing_toast">"Can't screenshare. To share, allow display over other apps."</string> <string name="screen_sharing_is_starting_label">Screen sharing is starting...</string> <string name="screen_sharing_notification_resume_action">Start sharing</string> <string name="screen_sharing_notification_stop_action">Stop screen sharing</string> <string name="screen_sharing_notification_stop_action">Stop sharing</string> <string name="screen_sharing_notification_title">Duo Screen Sharing</string> <string name="screen_sharing_notification_title">Duo screensharing</string> <string name="screen_sharing_overlay_permission_dialog_title">Allow display over other apps</string> <string name="screen_sharing_stopped_toast_text">Screen sharing has stopped.</string> <string name="screen_sharing_stopped_toast_text">Screensharing stopped</string>
<string name="video_message_fail_to_play_message">"Can't play this video. Call back instead."</string>
Google 与其他应用程序的集成
<string name="contacts_section__header_contacts_2">Connect on Duo</string>
您期待通过 Google 帐户使用 Google Duo 吗?这会让您感到不安吗,因为这意味着知道您 Google 帐户的每个人都可以在 Google Duo 上查找您?顺便说一句,也可以通过电话号码完成同样的操作。